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Let's Make A Work of
ART! Together


If you plan to include batting or backing with your quilt top, follow these important steps.


BACKING & BATTING: Remember this: the proper size to make your backing and batting: 4 sides, add 4 inches! We require them both to be 4 inches extra on all four sides. If you're quilt top is 60" x 80", they need to measure 60+4+4 or 68 x 80+4+4 or 88 so at least 68" x 88". They can both be larger than this, just not smaller. The extra material allows us to anchor your quilt sandwich properly to the longarm and insures the best possible outcome.


For us to process your order efficiently on receipt, please press your top and backing to eliminate any creases or folds.  Find and clip any stray, unsightly threads and trim any fraying around the edges. You might not be able to find them all, but you'll want to prevent random threads from showing on your quilt top. When complete, caringly roll the quilt top into a tube shape, watching to prevent any folds in the material. Then coil the top up or fold it into thirds or fourths and pack in a plastic bag to prevent moisture absorption during transport. Please don't skip these important steps! If you take care of these issues for us, your project will arrive ready to quickly load, effectively stitch, and return promptly to you.



We want this to be fun for you, not overwhelming! You have the option to have us make all the quilting decisions for you. Helping you quilt your work is our goal so that it can achieve the purpose for which the quilt was created. Sometimes all you may want is to finish what you started ... and that can be the best reason for getting your work quilted!


If we need to provide any of these types of services for you to enable us to successfully load your quilt, extra fees will apply for extra time put into preparing your quilt. If you have any questions, please ask. We're passionate about being able to give you results you will love. It's all about teamwork!


To get started, fill out the form below.

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